Talking Sales, Mindset, & more!

Who cares?! Your title versus your value.

This is it!  The day is finally here!  For whatever reason, you have decided to become… AN ENTREPRENEUR!  [DUN, DUN, DUNNNNNNNNN] You get a clever website address, come up with a logo, and even a cool title.  STOP! A cool title?  While CEO, President, Owner, and Partner may all carry the swagger of a corporate rock star; are they playing a positive role where your prospective client/ customer is concerned? For example, if a PMP…

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The Paradigm Shift

Okay… This is neither my thesis, nor a discussion of the inner workings of some new Star Trek episode. Instead, this is a discussion on the importance of flexibility as my clients navigate the ever-changing world of business. The paradigm shift is essential to successfully navigating the daily tasks required to achieve your long-term success. Allow me to begin with the clarification of the term as to avoid any misunderstanding: Paradigm -the position from which…

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The Self Concept

The self concept. …sounds simple enough. The concept of self. The way you see yourself. The center from which you operate. There are deeper, more intrinsic facets of the self concept which are vital to the true success of the entrepreneur, community activist, even the politician. These facets are the focus of this dialogue you and I are about to have. Let us begin with “what you believe about yourself.” Generally, the way the world…

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The Balancing Act

Ahh …maturity! The games we played in college have lost all appeal, and the desire for the substantial blooms. Enter the challenge which, for the purposes of this note, we shall label “the quest.” A multi-phase, multi-tiered waltz …the quest is not to be taken lightly, and is strongly discouraged for the weak & immature. Therefore this note is written for the client, the leader, the entrepreneur, the friend who is successful (or on the…

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Dreamer to Goal-setter!

By universal design, we witness the gap between lions and sheep, logic and love, dream and reality. There is one hardly noticeable, yet major element at play in each of these three examples: they are each fundamental components of a greater cycle we call life. This is the origin of the concept of balance. For a moment, let us take a technical look at our discussion. The following image depicts what would otherwise be considered…

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The 501c3 Dilemna

Sitting in a regional meeting on a hot 2009 day on behalf of the Mayor’s Office with Pennsylvania community action agencies, I realize the driving force behind the creation of the 22,000 non-profit organizations in Philadelphia -FUNDING. Good men & women with an idea or desire to address a problem in the community run out and start a non-profit. Those in leadership are led, like dogs after a rabbit, by the change in focus of…

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Coach vs Mentor

At first glimpse, the difference in these two words goes unnoticed… COACH or MENTOR For a moment, let’s take a trip back to high school where I believe we will gain greater clarity on the subject… Where do you find a coach? The unanimous answer is organized sports. Looking deeper, who has a coach? Women and men who have decided to compete at the sport of their choice. Why do they need a coach? According to Webster’s,…

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