How To Master Your B2B Sales Cycles

How To Master Your B2B Sales Cycles

In the dynamic landscape of business-to-business (B2B) opportunities, the sales cycle plays a pivotal role in determining success. It is imperative that you understand your sales cycle in order to establish realistic performance goals. B2B sales cycles are complex, involving multiple decision makers, lengthy negotiations, and a deep understanding of the nuances of each customer’s needs. To aid you in grasping sales so that you can successfully grow your business, allow me to share insights…

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Selling to the Swipe Left Crowd

Selling to the swipe left crowd

Gen X befriended our children in reaction to being parented by the John Wayne generation. The result are two generations who have normalized rapid social interactions like texting, and making some of their first decisions by swiping right or left. Selling to the swipe left crowd would puzzle Edward Bernays (the “Father of Public Relations”) but, it can be done. The Who The most important facet of Millennials and Generation Z is their status as…

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The Secret To Bespoke Sales & Marketing

The Secret To Bespoke Sales & Marketing

The secret to bespoke sales & marketing is sales! Sales are the lifeblood of any business. Without sales, a business cannot survive, let alone thrive. Sales are crucial to business growth, as they are the main source of revenue and profits that enable a company to expand and invest in new opportunities. In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of sales to business growth, and why companies should prioritize sales strategies to achieve…

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The Third World Sales Myth

Inflation is a monster, and the quest for profits is more real than ever as people pivot to more aggressive marketing tactics in a last stitch effort to avoid raising your rates. Coupled with the need for greater deal flow is the mandate to cut whatever costs can be cut without damaging p/s delivery. Enter the outsourcing of call reception and telemarketing. The average telemarketer outside of the U.S. makes $7/ hour; 50-60% of what…

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Making “No” More Palatable!

Mike Tyson is quoted saying that “everyone has a plan until they get punch in the face.” Every business development officer has a plan to exceed goal until they get hung up on; and for the business leader forced to wear the ‘sales hat,’ hearing no after no can be very discouraging. If you’re still reading in the hope that I teach you a secret from my 25 years of experience, then you are hereby…

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W.I.I.F.M. -B2B Sales In A Nutshell

You haven’t been too busy to notice the change in the general social sentiment… “I feel,” “my truth,” and a plethora of other clichés. What they all communicate is a desperate need of people to be heard, seen, and acknowledged. The good news is that this makes the task of converting your offering into dollars easier. The bad news is that in order to do so successfully, you don’t get to be selfish at all….

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Building Value Proposition B2B Relationships

While the general vibe of the era is all about the packaging, what’s in the box matters most. As you enter the marketplace to convert your offering into revenue, the who & how you help is the foundation of not just your sales success but, of the relationships that will get you there. So what the heck is a Value Proposition? Simply put, it is how your product/ service impacts your ideal client. It is…

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