Making “No” More Palatable!

Mike Tyson is quoted saying that “everyone has a plan until they get punch in the face.” Every business development officer has a plan to exceed goal until they get hung up on; and for the business leader forced to wear the ‘sales hat,’ hearing no after no can be very discouraging.

If you’re still reading in the hope that I teach you a secret from my 25 years of experience, then you are hereby disappointed. I am writing you today to help you to minimize the “no’s” you will encounter, and to embrace the ones that you do. Let’s get started…


In a word; preparation.

If you’re calling a cold list, take a few moments to google the person you’re calling. This will provide you with some small amount of familiarity. It will also aid you in asking the questions required to qualify the lead, and discern their need/ want for what you are selling. Cold calling is always more challenging, as you are likely working from a purchased lead list which may not be fully aligned with your lead qualification indicators.

Minimizing rejection in the case where the leads have been qualified is mush simpler because you know that there’s a need for your offer. Google them before you pick up the phone anyway; hubris is beyond expensive. You want to get focused on, and comfortable with, the person you’re about to reach out to.


It isn’t personal.

They aren’t rejecting you; they’re rejecting your attempt to sell them. If this is hard for you to internalize and remember, write it in all caps on a sticky that you can look at while doing your call time blocks. If you absolutely hate everything about selling, read this paragraph again before moving forward.

No can only mean one of two things; either what you are offering is of zero interest to them, or you are not doing a good job of selling it. So, stop selling it. Once you get them engaged in a conversation, it is your job to learn if, and why, they need/ want what you’re offering. That means you are doing far more listening than talking. Good listeners close more business because they learn how what they’re selling helps the person they’re talking to faster (without pissing the person off).

Hearing no anyway? Great! That’s your cue to explore exactly what they are objecting to, and why. Just remember that your motivation is helping people with the value your offering represents. Make helping your focus, and the closed deals will follow.

Knock ’em dead! -Rich Laster

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