The 501c3 Dilemna

Sitting in a regional meeting on a hot 2009 day on behalf of the Mayor’s Office with Pennsylvania community action agencies, I realize the driving force behind the creation of the 22,000 non-profit organizations in Philadelphia -FUNDING. Good men & women with an idea or desire to address a problem in the community run out and start a non-profit. Those in leadership are led, like dogs after a rabbit, by the change in focus of…

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Coach vs Mentor

At first glimpse, the difference in these two words goes unnoticed… COACH or MENTOR For a moment, let’s take a trip back to high school where I believe we will gain greater clarity on the subject… Where do you find a coach? The unanimous answer is organized sports. Looking deeper, who has a coach? Women and men who have decided to compete at the sport of their choice. Why do they need a coach? According to Webster’s,…

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