Sales & marketing sizzle? Don’t forget the steak!

It’s date night with your lover at your favorite steakhouse. Mmm! You can smell the garlic & herbs ready to sear that steak. You’re finally served, and

…no steak! You glance down at a gold-leaf adorned plate, garlic mashed, asparagus, and roasted garlic WHERE THE STEAK SHOULD BE!

This is the danger of social media mirrors & well-prepared smoke. We put so much into the packaging that many would be entrepreneurs don’t focus on their product or service. The client is the real star of the show, and you’re the hero who has to save them with a smile.

Take two clients, A and B (I don’t name drop). A is convinced that the business needs pizzazz to attract sales. B is adamant about delivering a flawless product. Who’s right, and who’s wrong? Neither. Both have a clear view of a major piece of the puzzle of business growth; the importance of quality, and the importance of packaging and positioning.

A is focused on the “sizzle, and B is focused on the steak; and you’re starving if you don’t bring the two together.

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