Before we begin…
- If you’re looking for a magical answer to the question of how to grow your business… there isn’t one.
- In Carol Dweck’s book Mindset, she delineates us all into 2 groups: Growth Mindset or Fixed Mindset. Where business is concerned, these mindsets are the difference between you building a business (Growth Mindset) and you building a hustle (Fixed Min

That said, this post like this site is about helping entrepreneurs grow their businesses. So, since you’re not looking for a magic fix, and you self identify as a growth-minded individual, let’s get to work.
First, remember why you started the business. What need or desire did you recognize that needed the product or service you could provide? People have been willing to pay for it, which has gotten you this far. GREAT but, you’re here because it’s time to reach the next level. The key here is the “why.” Why you began went deeper than the money you could make; it centered around the benefit your product or service represents to the customer. Don’t forget that!
Second, money is a byproduct. Most people never thought about their environmental footprint until confronted with the reality of global warming. Every action creates a ripple effect -wait; let me turn off my inner Eckhart Tolle and say that again. LOL! Your presence in the marketplace has a broad impact -on your customers, your staff, your competitors, and your prospects. The key is love. Sounds warm & fuzzy but, a focus on having a positive impact on everyone you touch by delivering quality interactions, as well as products/ services, will yield money more consistently than chasing the dollar ever will.
Third, someone will always be better but, they will NEVER be you. I don’t say that to stroke your ego; quite the opposite. A humble & hungry you is most likely to succeed. The key is in the truth that your fiercest competitor is your best performance before this moment. Let this fact humble you enough to learn what you don’t know (or hire someone who does), and drive you to continuously strive to outperform the you of yesterday. Make you your number one competitor!
I didn’t write this to entertain you. Reflect on the keys. Add them to your arsenal. Do the work!