Over breakfast this morning with Tech guru Jeff Platt, we did what awakening sojourners do -discussed recent experiences & lessons from our journey of growth. I realized a truth from something his daughter said in regard to the masses of our society; an existence that I previously likened to zombies, she likens to cattle (far more easily influenced than the brain-eating dead).

Well aside from the masses, there are two other types of homo sapiens: let’s call them the Zen and the Diabolical. Both of these, unlike the masses, recognize that the puppet show in Plato’s Cave is a shadow dance, and that the way out of the cave is a mindset shift from Fixed to Growth. So, what delineates the Zen from the Diabolical? The Why!
“Why” speaks to the motivation behind everything you think, feel, and do. It is the driving force, and more importantly the defining force, revealing the explanation for the outcomes our we produce. This explains why 100 people can read “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne; 85 won’t get it [masses], 10 will try to monetize it [diabolical], and 5 will see a shift in their every day life [zen]. PLEASE, do not exercise the good v bad thinking handed to you by your parents; this is bigger than that! I simply want you to get a grasp on the world you live in so you can get comfy with the lane you truly belong in.
You’re already clear on The Masses -those of us who exist as passengers on the road of life; not thinking “who the hell is driving this bus?!” The Zen have become aware of the bus, conscious of the energy thereof, and jumped off to learn & grow -with a focus on positive energy. The Diabolical are aware of the bus, conscious of the energy thereof, and hip to the profits they can make from the masses -those profits being their primary focus. You’re asking yourself, especially if you identify with the diabolical, why I gave them such a label. The answer: I believe that there is something fundamentally corrupt with profiting from products & services which maintain and perpetuate the mindless existence of the masses by those who are aware of the bigger picture.
For an example of Diabolical, let’s turn to business [surprise; a business blog talking about business]. The existence of the Cancer Research industry, generating $128.1 B (yeah; BILLION) in 2018, while yielding no cure to date, is a good example. The American medical community treats symptoms. You go to the doctor with a pain or ailment, and are happy to pop a few pills to have it go away in a week or so. Side effects? Root cause? Ah; you don’t care, right?! Until you’re back, 6 months later; only to receive a few pills of a different color. The doctor has med school loans & malpractice insurance to pay, so doing what their associated healthcare organization tells them is the priority because to not do so mean no paycheck. “Do no harm” gets blurry when pay your bills is echoing in their ear. Atop that, let’s not ignore the persona they were hoping to manifest so add a townhouse and BMW bill to the mix. The result: get the patient in & out quickly, with a prescription or two so we can make a little pharma rep check on the side.

At the end of the day, Eckhart Tolle was correct when he spoke on the occurrence of a global awakening. The challenge being the tightening of the economy as a chasm between wealth & poverty emerges; leading many on the journey of awakening to turn to profits over peace. The Diabolical are not required to remain focused solely on profits. The Zen don’t have to myopically do yoga in the park. There is, as always, a middle ground to be found between the two. I think that in between the Sith & the Jedi exists a place where we can all “just get along” but, not until our WHY is about the larger picture versus our personal profit or growth.