How To NOT “Plan To Fail” At Increasing Business Revenue!

A military kid, I grew up having every cliché imaginable programmed into me by way of the most overt PsyOps campaign in history -my dad! The cliché that you care about most is “IF YOU FAIL TO PLAN, THEN YOU PLAN TO FAIL!” No, the all caps is not for emphasis; it’s me doing my best to quote dad accurately!

How To NOT Plan To Fail At Increasing Business Revenue

Let’s get to the heart of the matter as it pertains to what’s in it for you! The foundation of a business is revenue -yeah, foundation… because if you don’t have revenue, you haven’t a leg to stand on! So, let’s put away all of the really sexy strategic planning, efficiency, and marketing magic you’re thinking of deploying because I want to take a few minutes to help you figure out HOW TO PAY FOR THEM! I love marketing, as a sales expert those folks are like my favorite cousins but -right now, you need me.

So, let me give it away; a Sales Growth Strategy has 5 fundamental components:

  1. What do you do that is of VALUE to the buyer?! Be super clear on the pain/ gain/ want/ need/ desire/ demands of the marketplace which your big idea or awesome offering is the solution to.
  2. More about the buyer because the offering revolves around them!!! This component is informed by data collected on, AND FROM, the good folks who are willing to spend hard currency to procure said solution.
  3. Concisely communicates the Value Proposition borne of numbers 1 and 2 above; which will directly influence all messaging, marketing, branding, [go on and keep adding those words dancing around in your mind like the broomsticks in Fantasia].
  4. Goals, Milestones, and KPI’s -because you will no longer fly by the seat of your pants if you expect to survive this 2024 Economic Poop Show! We’re amazing at establishing & exceeding these, so inbox me if you need help here.
  5. Sales Process Engineering -far too much of my God-given talent goes into this, so I’m just gonna keep it to myself folks.

That there☝🏾 is the best rough draft I have ever done for you without knowing you or your business. If you can’t afford our Sales Bootcamp or other Revenue Growth Planning help, allow me to make number 5 really easy for you…

every email, phone call, and conversation is an opportunity to confirm if they need what you’re offering (SQL), discern if they budget can afford your offering, and ask if they want it delivered tomorrow. Focus on how it adds value/ helps them solve a problem, avoid any sleazy clichés like your a used car salesperson with 4 necklaces and a gold tooth, and I think your chances are pretty good.

This post written by Rich Laster

The views and opinions expressed on this blogpost are solely those of the author, and do not represent the views of, our staff, our partners, or our clients. The material and information contained on this blog is for general information purposes only. You should not rely on said information in making legal, accounting, or other business decisions in the absence of expert counsel.

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